
Want to talk about Barbara’s Book?

Thursday 7pm EST Dial-in: 1-712-432-3066  Code: 942117
Thursday 7pm EST
Dial-in: 1-712-432-3066
Code: 942117


I’m one of those who Barbara is talking about “Dying to talk with some of your fellow book club members? Feel free to set up a free account…and post a date and time in the comments, inviting those who are free to join you then. Be sure to include the phone number and access code for the call and to post the notice early in the week.”

” Please join in the discussion!

“See” you there!


Thoughts on “Chapter 1, Exercise 2: Their Impossible Dream”

The real me is the fake Wonder Woman on the right. I knew life was supposed to be fun. Dress up, do the best you can even if you screw it up and pretend to play the part. My life seemed to be more like the Wonder Woman on the left. Unhappy, trying to look put together, trying to do it all, hiding behind a mask, afraid to let people know who I truly was.